Monthly Archives: May 2014

Chupacabra 19

CHUPACABRA, the riveting sequel to TENTACLES and CRYPTID HUNTERS, reunites Marty and his unusual uncle, cryptozoologist Travis Wolfe, as they search the world for Wolfe’s daughter, Grace. Grace has been kidnapped by her grandfather, the ruthless and dangerous Noah Blackwood, who has also stolen the two dinosaur hatchlings Wolfe was […]



Tentacles 8

Troubled waters! Cryptids–mythological creatures like the Loch Ness monster and Sasquatch–are Travis Wolfe’s obsession, and he’ll travel to the ends of the earth for proof. For cousins Marty and Grace, who have lived with Wolfe ever since Marty’s parents disappeared, this means adventure–and danger! Now they’re all en route to […]

Cryptid Hunters 74

When their parents disappear, twins Marty and Grace, 13, are taken in by their Uncle Travis, who searches the world for supposedly mythical creatures. After a parachute fall from an airplane, the kids find themselves in the middle of the Congo, where a surviving dinosaur may still exist. While their […]

Cryptid Hunters by Roland Smith