Monthly Archives: June 2010

3rd Cryptid Hunter Book 45

I spent today…well actually, the last few days…re-reading Tentacles in preparation for the third, as yet un-named, third installment.  I hesitate to write this here because it might mislead you into thinking that the third Cryptid Hunter book will be out soon.  It won’t be.  It will be a long […]

Tigard Library & iPhone 4 10

I had a great time at the Tigard Library last night.  A big crowd showed up in spite of the beautiful weather outside.  They handed out 50 free copies of Tentacles to the first people through the door.  This is a beautiful new library with a great collection of books, […]

Newberg Library & The Watertown Splash

I had a little break from the office yesterday by heading over to the Newberg Library (less than an hour from the farm) to speak to their book club.  It was beautiful weather so we met outside under open tents.  A lively group of 100+ young readers and adults showed […]

Summer Solstice and the livin’ is easy.

The sun peeked out from behind the clouds down here on the farm for what seems like the first time in weeks. I’m still holed up in my office working on books, but a little shine has made  it’s way through my window. I’ll get out of the office a […]

The Gulf Oil Spill 6

I guess it’s time for me  to weigh in on the tragic Gulf oil spill.  Because of my involvement in the Valdez spill in Alaska (20+ years ago) and my book “Sea Otter Rescue” I’ve gotten dozens of emails from friends and readers asking about the mess in the south. […]

Puppy & Grandsons & Writing

As I posted on Face Book  Sunday evening, Marie and I made an emergency trip to Washington to help our daughter pick out a puppy. They lost their old dog, Cochise, a few weeks ago.  Cochise used to be be our dog, but we sent him north a few years […]

Newberg Library June 22nd, 6:30pm 2

Just a quick note for those who live in Oregon.  I will be speaking at the Newberg Public Library.  Hope to see you there!  Here’s the information… Author Roland Smith @ your library! Author Roland Smith will join us at the library on Tuesday, June 22nd from 6:30-7:30 p.m. to […]

IQ2 Publication Update. First Chapter. 5

I just got the latest update for “I,Q Book Two: The White House.”  The book will shipped from the printer on June 25th.  It will be in the publisher’s warehouse on June 27th.  It will be shipped to book stores on June 28th or 29th.  This means the book should […]