I had a lot of fun today sitting at my desk visiting four schools. The students at all the schools were well prepared with great questions. This makes the time fly by… Before you know it we’re ending the connection and saying good-bye.
The schools were Nord Middle School in Amherst, Ohio, Tonganoxie Middle School in Kansas, Bryan City schools in Ohio, and the cool 4th grade boy readers at Manteno.
In past week I’ve gotten at least a hundred emails asking: “Will there be a 3rd Cryptid Hunters book after Tentacles?” The answer must be in a dozen places on this web page and on my Face Book Fan Page. Yes there will be sequel, but it will be awhile before it appears. Tentacles has only been out for a few months. You will be the first to know when the next in the series comes out. All you have to do is to check this journal or go to the Fan Page.
Cool, wet day here in Oregon. Good day for staying inside catching up and writing.
So we were good i suppose?
Thank you very much, Mr. Smith,for speaking to all the fifth graders at Tonganoxie Middle School! We enjoyed hearing about how you do your writing. Some of my students (Ms. Franey’s Fabulous Fifth Graders) have begun reading your books and love them! They were especially interested in hearing that you have to read a lot to be a good writer. This was an awesome author visit!
Thank you for inviting me. I had a wonderful time!
Thank very much for coming to our school. We loved having you come. i hope you thought we were good. by the way i have read three books of yours.