Sequoya Elementary Elementary and El Coyote 2

Stormy flight into Pheonix late last night from Dallas with flooding and tornado warnings…a bit strange for Pheonix.

Went to my nephew Josh’s school on short notice, but the staff rose to the occasion. Perfect venue with attentive and enthusiastic students.

Saw a relaxed coyote cross my sister-in-law’s backyard the morning. She’ll have to keep a close eye on her dogs. This coyote was way too comfortable. He’s been there before.

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2 thoughts on “Sequoya Elementary Elementary and El Coyote

  • Nancy Harris

    Wow! What an excellent presentation you did at our school, yesterday! Joshua and the students were thrilled to have you come visit and speak. I enjoyed your talk and I especially liked the way you inspired all of us to not only read your books, but to maybe think of writing our own, as well.
    Thank you for taking the time to come by; we all appreciated it. The staff gave me some very postitive feedback and they said that your presentation was the best that Sequoya has EVER had! (Coming from some veteran teachers of 25 years, that is quite the compliment!)
    Safe travels and enjoy your time writing in Mexico. I look forard to reading your latest book, Tentacles this week.
    Thank you for your inspiration.
    Nancy Harris
    Sequoya Elementary School