Have rental car will travel! In March I will be in Missouri and Texas and surrounding States visiting schools and speaking at conferences. As always, I pay my own travel expenses. If you would like to have me speak to your school about reading, writing, and wildlife conservation please contact my wife Marie at marie@rolandsmith.com. I hope to see you this Spring!
Best wishes for a Happy New Year!
Roland Smith
Amazon: https://goo.gl/gS4HSx
B&N: https://goo.gl/8QcBKQ
Powells: https://goo.gl/kjbRQi
Indie Bound: https://goo.gl/QEFkxt
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Scholastic: Roland Smith
Do you have time to do a Skype visit with us this Spring? You have visited us in the past, we are in Fairbanks, Alaska, at University Park Elementary. If you are able to do a SKype visit we would love it, we have many of your titles in our library here. I’m the librarian here, and I was here the last time you here, also, and I know you give a good presentation.
Hi there, Roland!
In February, I left this note on your site. Then we had the lockdown for COVID, and I still wonder if I can get a SKYPE visit set up with you to do with us , or even a Google Meet or a Zoom meeting? This Fall 2020 ? I still don’t know what our schedule will look like as we return to school, but I will know more in the first week of August. I figured that I could set up a couple tentative times to meet with you, in which you could do a short presentation with the students. I would be looking for an hour presentation, plus a bit longer to allow for questions, maybe another half hour for questions?
We are in Fairbanks, Alaska, and we have many of you books in our library. We’ve also had a real visit from you in the past, which was great! Thank you.
February 7, 2020 at 3:42 pm
Do you have time to do a Skype visit with us this Spring? You have visited us in the past, we are in Fairbanks, Alaska, at University Park Elementary. If you are able to do a SKype visit we would love it, we have many of your titles in our library here. I’m the librarian here, and I was here the last time you here, also, and I know you give a good presentation.
Hello Mr. Smith,
My name is Juliette Kelkeneers, I am 15 years old and I live in Belgium. I am contacting you about a book you wrote, “Disparition programée”, that my French teacher, who happens to be the best …, asked my class and I to read your book, I found it awesome!
But, I think you made a little mistake in the book:
When you describe Cataline, Zach’s girlfriend, you first say that she has black hair, but later you describe her parents by saying that they are like her, with “brown hair”.
So I ask myself: “Do Cataline and her parents have black hair or brown hair?” ”
I’m not critical at all, far from it, it’s just that I like to read, that I could spend days in a book and that I like to pay attention to details.
Hope you don’t find my question stupid and can answer it …
I would like to write later, in addition to my future job, do you think it is possible to be a police officer and, out of passion, a writer?
Juliette Kelkeneers
Hello Juliette, I am so happy you enjoyed my novel. It’s possible that the brown/black hair description typo was the result of the translation from English into French. You’re question was a good, no at all stupid. I think it is absolutely possible to be a a police officer and a writer. There are many police officer/writers here in the U.S.
Our fifth graders would love the opportunity to have Mr. Smith visit our classroom virtually. Please let us know if you’re able to visit us some time January-March! Our students love your books!
Hello, I teach fifth grade in Alexandria, Virginia. We recently finished Cryptid Hunters for read aloud. We had another book lined up for our next read aloud, but we just couldn’t live without more from Marty and Grace. So we are moving on to Tentacles to find out what happens next! I want to thank you for keeping those cousins alive and for your wonderful writing. We have been virtual during this pandemic all school year and the one “normal” thing we have continued has been our read aloud. Several of my students have gone out and bought more of your books because they love your style so much. We love your writing! Thanks again for entertaining and instilling the LOVE of reading into my students and I. P.S.: my family lives in Portland, Oregon!
Thanks Molly! I’m delighted to hear that your student are enjoying the Cryptid Hunters series. Please say hello to them for me.
Hello, my name is Desiree, and I’m a reporter for the South Albany Sentry, and I was wondering if I could get an email interview with you about your books?