Endeavor Charter School Skype 2

endeavor_lion_logoI had a fabulous time this morning Skypeing with a smart bunch of 6th graders at Endeavor Charter School in Raleigh, North Carolina.  The emphasis was supposed to be on my novel “Jaguar” which they use in their curriculum, but the students and teachers were very familiar with my other novels.  Thanks for inviting me to your school.

Below is an email from Susan Nielsson, one of the the enthusiastic Teachers at Endeavor:

I am a teacher at Endeavor Charter School and we had the amazing opportunity of skyping with you today!  Thank you so much!  You have had some incredible adventures and opportunities – I would have loved to have talked to you for another hour! I must confess that even though I am 44, I buy your books for me because I enjoy them!  I just finished reading IQ #2!  Thanks again for the fun interview.  Keep on writing!
~Susan Nielsson

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