My good friend Pam Ryan has an astounding new novel out…The Dreamer…
I read it in manuscript form and now it is a beautiful book illustrated by Peter Sis. The novel is about poet Pablo Neruda youth in his native Chile.
Here’s the blurb, but it doesn’t do this outstanding book justice. You must read this book.
From the time he is a young boy, Neftalí hears the call of a mysterious voice. Even when the neighborhood children taunt him, and when his harsh, authoritarian father ridicules him, and when he doubts himself, Neftalí knows he cannot ignore the call. Under the canopy of the lush rain forest, into the fearsome sea, and through the persistent Chilean rain, he listens and he follows. . . Combining elements of magical realism with biography, poetry, literary fiction, and sensorial, transporting illustrations, Pam Muñoz Ryan and Peter Sís take readers on a rare journey of the heart and imagination.
I’m getting ready to head to Alaska tomorrow for 8 days, 11 flights, and I’m not sure how many presentations, but I will be keeping you up to date here providing I have internet access up north.
Cheers for creating this it was essential for a paper I am now writing for my thesis. Thanks
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Good luck with your thesis.