CHUPACABRA, the riveting sequel to TENTACLES and CRYPTID HUNTERS, reunites Marty and his unusual uncle, cryptozoologist Travis Wolfe, as they search the world for Wolfe’s daughter, Grace. Grace has been kidnapped by her grandfather, the ruthless and dangerous Noah Blackwood, who has also stolen the two dinosaur hatchlings Wolfe was raising in secrecy. Now, with word that the mysterious creature known as Chupacabra has been sighted again, Wolfe is torn between his obsession with finding cryptids and his desperate need to rescue his daughter. With trouble at every turn and a dangerous journey ahead, will Marty and Wolfe come face-to-face with the mythic monster? Even more frightening, will they reach Grace before it’s too late?
When is the 4th book coming out and what s it going to be called. I love the series, there great
The final book in the Cryptid Hunters series will be out October 1st. It’s called MUTATION.
I have been a fan of this series since the first installament “Cryptid Hunters.” I just recently finished reading “Chupacabra” and am really excited for the fourth and final novel “Mutation.” You are a great author and everything you write about I always pick up at my bookstore. Keep up the great work Roland Smith!
If you keep reading I promise to keep writing. The 4th and final Cryptid book, MUTATION, will be out in October.
I can’t wait for Mutations. Ps Will you be starting a new book series after the final installment of this
I LOVE the Cryptid Hunters series!!! Will Mutation be the last book or will there be more? You should really have a movie made for the books!
MUTATION will be the last. Marty and Grace move on off camera and I move onto other books.
pleeeease make more books and movies in the series!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am only 11 and love all of your books you even came to my school findley elementary you autographed my copy os CHUPACABRA!!!!!!
I love your books at the start the summer I thought ill sit around and do nothing then I discover a magic world called CRYPTID HUNTERS and Marty and Grace helped me through this summer at my low times and high thank you Roland for all your help.
I just finished Chupacabra and it was a adventure like all your other books
Loved the books! Can’t wait till i get Mutation, thanks so much for the adventure. My sister and
I have read almost all your book.
Dear Roland
I am 9 years old and I think your books are amazing. I have just read all three cryptid books again while I wait to get Mutation. I had to order it in our local bookshop. I think they would make brilliant films.
Hey Roland I just want to say I enjoyed the entire series right to the end.
I think this would make a great movie! I’ve read or I’m going to read all your books. I’ve enjoyed plenty of your books!
Thanks so much for the great adventures!
This book was awesome! It was so adventurous,and the best part was when Grace and Dylan went in the woods to find Luther.
i loved your the cryptid hunter series i’m sad there will be no more made i got your newest book two months after it came out your books have made me go deeper in my hobby of cryptozoology. i may only be in high school but i have big dreams and your book are very inspiring.
i really loved the cryptid hunters and tentecles and then chupacabra came out in my local library and i loved it too, i liked that they got Grace back and that they got a hilarious revenge on yvonne. i honestly think the books are great beyond all measures.
What plot structure did you use in Chupacabra? I am doing a book talk and that is a part of it.
I hope you do like it!
Does Wolfe have a last name?