I,Q Two Final #15

As alluded in yesterday’s post the day started out briskly by dealing with, let’s say…a creative difference of opinion. By the end of the day the difference was on it’s way to being resolved one way or another…

A beautiful day on the farm, although I missed most of it here in the officeThe Farm 11.22.10 working on I,Q2. Got a nice call from my firstborn grandson, JR, who is (and this is not a grandfather’s pride speaking…it’s the truth) a phenomenal reader. Over the weekend I emailed him a copy of “Beneath” which he loved. We got into quite a discussion about the plot and the pacing of the book. I only wish that in sixth grade I’d known 10% of what he already knows about how a story is put together.

My webmaster, Daniel Payne, dropped by to figure out how to hook up our printer to our network. It took him about five minutes. Of course we didn’t call him until we’d spent several hours trying to figure out how to get it working.

My Small OfficeDidn’t leave the farm today. Straightened my office up as I am doing some Skype visits tomorrow and the next day. I’ll have hundreds of students in here. I can’t remember if I’ve mentioned this, but my office is the smallest room in our house, but there’s plenty of room for me. There was six months of run and dump clutter, making it difficult to maneuver, and almost impossible to find anything. If the students got a glimpse of them it would scare them. It was starting to scare me.

This evening Marie and I tried this Skype “like” program called WebEx, which I guess I’m using on Wednesday for the Skype visit (which I guess isn’t technically a Skype visit…it’s a WebEx visit). It worked pretty well. It’s easy to share your desktop, and you can do a PowerPoint. But we heard a rumor that there was an even better program. Welcome to the world of virtual school visits. No airplanes. No cabs. No hotel. Shazam! I’m at you school. Not as good as a real author visit, but a pretty good substitute.

I’m going to stay up late again tonight working on I,Q2 even though I have toIQ2 Small Cover wake up early tomorrow for the Skype two timezones away. Shazam!

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