I,Q The White House Ready to Ship 4
For those who won, the books are getting closer to the PO. I’m sending them media mail so it may take a bit of time to arrive. Happy reading!
For those who won, the books are getting closer to the PO. I’m sending them media mail so it may take a bit of time to arrive. Happy reading!
Well, those went fast! For those who didn’t respond quickly enough, I will do this again sometime when I have some spare books. It was a lot of fun and I hope you enjoy the book. And remember, I would really appreciate it if you could post a review online […]
Thanks for the overwhelming response! What a great way to give away about 50 signed books. Now all I have to do is sign them, address the envelopes, and mail them out. I will try to do that this week. I will list the names of those who won here […]
Teachers & Librarians (sorry kids this one is not for you)… I have a limited number of copies of my new book: “I,Q Book Two: The White House.” Email me your mailing address, the name of your school, and HOW WE KNOW EACH OTHER, and I will mail you a […]
My first book contest is up! Just go to RolandSmith.com, find the Contest! link on the right side of the moleskine, click it, and you are there. We are giving away a free copy of I,Q Book Two: The White House. Good luck!
This is great news. Congratulations to the crews and scientists. I mean this, they worked very hard to get this done. Unfortunately it’s too late. This mess is far from over, but by getting it capped, even at this late date, millions of gallons of oil will be prevented from […]
I had a great time at the Lake Oswego Library yesterday. About fifty young readers showed up to discuss “Peak” and my other novels. A lot of them had the new I,Q in hand and several of my other novels. (The photo is historical photo taken on the lake…and no […]
We will be discussing “Peak.” Call ahead to register. Book Discussion Group with Author Roland Smith Monday, July 12 at 4:30-5:30 p.m Children in grades 4-6 are invited to read Roland Smith’s Peak and then discuss with the author. The story features exciting adventures of a boy who wants to […]
I’m still working on the editorial revisions on the new series “Storm Runners” for Scholastic, which is scheduled to be out in Spring 2011. I finished the draft of this first novel at the end of January while I was in Mexico basking on the shores of the Sea of […]